Many parties are still intrigued by the actual performance of the processor Snapdragon 800 on a smartphone. But before the public could feel the experience of using the processor that is claimed to be one of the fastest mobile processor, Qualcomm introduced its newest product again. The new product is the processor Snapdragon 200 devoted to lower middle class.
Unmitigated, Qualcomm also introduces six-party chips at once. There is also the processor that has two cores and also have four cores. Qualcomm's Snapdragon processor said that 200 were deliberately aimed at the low end smartphone and tablet.
Although labeled for the cheap, the six chip processor Snapdragon 200 is equipped with features that pretty much. These features include support for the main camera up to 8MP, front camera to 5MP, HSPA + connectivity up to 21Mbit/s or TD-CDMA. Not only that, the processor also supports dual even triple SIM card.
Earlier, Qualcomm also announced two processor Snapdragon chip in February yesterday.
Two of these chips is the Snapdragon 8225Q and 8265Q which is a quad
core processors based on the ARM Cortex A5 with speeds of up to 1.4 GHz.
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