Many computer problems can be solved by the cheap and free software or without the use of the software. I will try to give you some tips to improve performance and keep your PC running well at least normal.
AntiVirus Program - The most important thing is to have antivirus updates, most computers have anivirus but no update. Most computer problems can be prevented simply by having antivirus, so try to always update your antivirus to avoid your computer attacked by rogue viruses.
Run Scandisk program - at least once every two months you have to run a program called Scandisk. This program is on your computer. Scandisk actually scan your files to locate the files that are considered problematic.
Run the Defragmenter program - another program that you should run once every two months called Disk Defragmenter. Defrag will organize your files better so your PC can access it faster.
Use the Firewall and Spyware program - This program serves to prevent your computer from viruses, hackers and hijackers. So the firewall must state "ON" when your computer is always connected to the internet
Periodically clean out old files - it's good old files you deleted from your hard drive, but previously had in backup first.
And the last and most important ..!
Occasional reboot your PC - The last thing is the most simple but very important that you turn off and turn on the computer once in a while. Your PC needs to be restarted to reset the new programs. It is also useful to remove the virtual memory of the last session sounds like a simple solution, but most problems can be fixed simply by restarting your PC.
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