Windows NT 20 years Old, the ancestor of Modern Microsoft Windows operating systems

Microsoft has celebrated the anniversary of the Windows NT operating system that has now been 20 years old on July 27, 2013 last. As we know, Windows NT was largely a development base or ancestor of modern Windows operating systems from Microsoft at this time.

Microsoft has started the development of operating systems along with IBM with the IBM operating system project OS / 2, but Microsoft ended the partnership before the project is completed. Finally, Microsoft is developing its own operating system that is completely new, called Windows NT 3.1.

Initially, the Windows NT operating system is sistemoperasi specifically designed for use as a workstation or server with support for various platforms. However, Microsoft has finally decided to support the Intel x86 platform, IA64, and AMD 64 only.

Over time, Microsoft is using Windows NT as the basis for the development of modern sistemoperasi Windows, namely Windows 2000 (NT 5.0), Windows XP (NT 5.1), Windows Vista (NT 6.0), Windows 7 (NT 6.1), and the last is Windows 8 (NT 6.2). Windows NT was chosen because it is much more stable than Windows-based operating system DOS, you name it Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows ME.

     "July 27, 2013 will be the 20th anniversary of Windows NT. Almost can drink legally! Just thinking of 20 years make Greybeards like Doug 'Bad Cop' Symalla spit coffee morning. If you happen to meet Doug have him tell you some stories of the 'past'. They are entertaining, "wrote Microsoft executives in a blog post.

As quoted from Softpedia (27/07/2013), without hadiranya Windows NT this, we probably will not see Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8 now or still stuck with Windows-based operating system DOS like Windows 98 or Windows ME.

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